Picture Package Ver.1.8

  1. Picture Package is an optional plug-in. Downloadand install it for Windows or Mac OS.
  2. RunPhotoshop in 32-bit mode (64-bit Mac OS only).
    • (Photoshop) Choose File > Automate >Picture Package. If you have multiple images open, PicturePackage uses the frontmost image.

    • (Bridge) Choose Tools > Photoshop >Picture Package. The Picture Package command uses the first imagelisted in Bridge unless you select a specific image before givingthe Picture Package command.

    If you’re using only the frontmost image or a selectedimage from Bridge, skip to step 3.

  3. Add one or more images to the layout by doing one ofthe following:
    • In the Source Images area of the Picture Package dialog box, choose either File or Folder from the Use menu and click Browse (Windows) or Choose (Mac OS). If you choose Folder, you can select Include All Subfolders to include images inside any subfolders.

    • Click a placeholder in the preview layout and browse to select an image.

    • Drag an image from the desktop or a folder into a placeholder.

    You can change any image in the layout by clicking a placeholderand browsing to select an image.

  4. In the Document area of the Picture Package dialog box,select page size, layout, resolution, and color mode. A thumbnailof the chosen layout appears on the right side of the dialog box.
  5. Select Flatten All Layers to create a picture packagewith all images and label text on a single layer. Deselect FlattenAll Layers to create a picture package with separate image layersand text layers (for labels). If you place each image and labelon a separate layer, you can update your picture package after it’s beensaved. However, the layers increase the file size of your picturepackage.
  6. In the Label area, choose the source for label text fromthe Content menu or choose None. If you choose Custom Text, enterthe text for the label in the Custom Text field.
  7. Specify font, font size, color, opacity, position, androtation for the labels.

Picture Package Ver.1.8 For Sony Dvd Handycam


Picture Package Free

Picture Package Ver.1.8

Picture Package Sony

How to copy video or still pictures from a camcorder DVD to a computer using the Picture Package™ software and a USB connection. Is the bundled Picture Package software compatible with the Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system? The edition of Windows 8 or 8.1 you're using, as well as information on whether that version of Windows 8 is 32-bit or 64-bit, is all found in Control Panel from the System applet. If you're not sure if you're running Windows 8.1 or Windows 8, you'll also see that information listed in the System applet.