Download(s) | (archive) |
Developer(s) | MAMEDev |
Porting developer(s) | Franxis |
Version | 5.1 |
Status | Released and playable |
Webpage | GP2X/GP32 Projects by Franxis |
- Gp2x Wiz Mame 37b11 Complete Rom Set
- Gp2x Wiz Mame 37b11 Complete Rom Set Usa
- Gp2x Wiz Mame 37b11 Complete Rom Set Atari 5200
- Gp2x Wiz Mame 37b11 Complete Rom Set Torrent
- Gp2x Wiz Mame 37b11 Complete Rom Set No Intro
Gp2x Wiz Mame 37b11 Complete Rom Set
MAME is the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator which allows the user to play old arcade games. MAME GP2X is the GP2X version of MAME4ALL. Its roots are from a very old MAME release, but it has been updated with parts of more recent, but still old, releases. As of version 4.1, it currently supports 1160 ROM sets.
Gp2x Wiz Mame 37b11 Complete Rom Set Usa
Download MAME4droid (0.37b5) APK 1.5.3 for Android (mame4droid-0.37b5.apk). MAME4droid (0.37b5) is a free and awesome Arcade game. Looking for Mame4all 0.375b5 romset download (self.raspberrypi) submitted 1 year ago by CortAstro I have been searching over the past few days to find roms for the Mame4all 0.375b5 emulator on the raspberry pi, however after many many google searches I. IMAME4all & MAME4droid iMAME4all is a iOS universal app done by David Valdeita (Seleuco), port of MAME 0.37b5 emulator by Nicola Salmoria & TEAM for all jailbroken iOS devices (iPad HD, iPhone 4G, iPod touch and older) and it is based on GP2X, WIZ MAME4ALL 2.5 by Franxis.
MAME GP2X should be able to run the 1128 games supported by MAME 0.34, which include almost all NeoGeo games (except larger ROM sets) as well as some MAME 0.35b* games (see Supported Games).
TV-Out support was added in version 1.7.
Sample support was added in version 2.5.
Full 4 USB Joypad Support through the GP2X Interface Board was added in version 2.8.
- Oftentimes, better or more complete ROM dumps are made, or errors are found in the way the. 71 and it tell me I have 25 bad Roms but MAME 0. Ini accordingly, do other systems not use the same two. 37b11 sets for Android and GP2X Wiz systems. 37b11 sets for Android and GP2X Wiz systems. Arcade ROM Reference Sets:. (Complete MAME 0.
- Gp2x Wiz Mame 37b11 Complete Rom Set Guruleka Etuvanti Lyrics Buongiorno Rac1 Gtpase And The Rac1 Exchange Factor Tiam1 Enciclopedia Orlando Boyer Pdf Download.
- Download and unzip the archive somewhere on your hard drive.
- Put the mamegp2x folder anywhere on your SD card.
- If not done, convert your ROMs for MAME 0.34.
- Copy your ROMs into the mamegp2x/roms folder of your SD card. Do not unzip the ROMs.
- In Game:
- Joystick : Movement in pad, mouse and analog control.
- A,Y,B,X,L,R,Vol+,Vol-,PUSH,START : A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J.
- SELECT : Insert credits. (SELECT+Up=credits 2P, SELECT+Right=credits 3P, SELECT+Down=credits 4P)
- L+R : Change screen orientation and activate/deactivate screen scale/stretch.
- L+R pressed during one second : Pause.
- Y+L+R : Show / hide the FPS counter.
- START : Play. (START+Up=Start 2P, START+Right=Start 3P, START+Down=Start 4P)
- L+R+PUSH, L+R+START or L+R+SELECT simultaneously : Exit to selection menu to select another game.
- START+SELECT simultaneously: Reset the current game.
- Vol+ / Vol-: Increase / decrease sound volume.
- In Menu:
- A : play the selected game
- B : go back to game selection menu.
- L+R : GP2X is reset.
Emulation Options
GP2X Clock
133 to 300 MHz options are available (200 MHz is the standard value). Performance of the emulator is better with bigger values but the higher the clock values drain the batteries faster. Using values over 250 MHz is a potential risk to the lifespan of the GP2X.
0 to 5 Frame-Skip options are available. Less frame-skip produces a better game video experience, but can slow the emulator down. Additionally Auto Frame-Skip is implemented: <=1, <=2, <=3, <=4; <=5 (in this cases, frame-skip will be adjusted automatically by the emulator, up to the maximum selected frame-skip). Using options <=1 and <=2 results in very good video emulation for most games.
To show/hide the FPS counter, press Y+L+R.
Video Clock
Allows user to change underclock / overclocking option for CPUs and is set to 80% by default. The perfect video clock is 100%. The emulator is faster with smaller values and slower with higher values.
Video Sync
- None: No video synchronization.
- DblBuf: Video Double Buffer activated.
- VSync: VSync activated.
- VSync+DblBuf: Both options activated.
- Sound ON: Standard sound option is available.
- Sound OFF: Sound is not emulated and is not activated for faster emulation.
- Emulated OFF: Sound is emulated but it is deactivated.
- Accurate ON: Accurate sound option.
Gp2x Wiz Mame 37b11 Complete Rom Set Atari 5200
Audio Clock
Allows user to change underclock / overclocking option for audio CPUs and is set to 80% by default. The perfect audio clock is 100%. The emulator is faster with smaller values and slower with higher values.
Controller Configuration
Allows user to change controller configuration (fire buttons assignment), analog controls sensitivity and X and Y axis inversion.
Save Configuration
- No Save Configuration: Do NOT save game configuration.
- Save Configuration: Save configuration for the current game.
- Save as Default: Save the default configuration for all games.
Press A to play the selected game or B to go back to game selection menu.
In the game selection menu if L+R are pressed simultaneously, GP2X is reset.
Converting ROM sets for MAME 0.34
The following steps should work, but have not been tested, they have been adapted from
- Install ClrMamePro
- Create an empty folder (this will be the directory where your MAME GP2X ROMs will be in the end)
- Open ClrMamePro
- Add the datfile (clrmame.dat) from MAME GP2X. Then select LOAD / UPDATE.
- Settings: Just change the ROM path to the created empty folder from step #2. It will moan that no sets are found there, which is okay (as we don't have any ROM sets in there yet)
- Select 'Scanner'. You don't need to change any settings, just be sure 'Split Sets' is selected. Press the 'Scan' button.
- It should scan fast, as the ROMs folder is empty See the 'Scan Results' window? Leave it open!
- Now use the Windows Explorer to open the folder where your MAME ROMs reside. Select ALL zips and drag them into the Scan Results window. ClrMamePro will now begin rebuilding 0.34 sets in the empty folder.
- After it's finished, your MAME GP2X-ready ROMs are in the folder created at step #2.
If you want to add new ROMs later, do 'Scan' again and drag the new roms into the Scan Results window.
Linux users without access to Windows machine with ClrMame can use AdvanceSCAN to convert ROM sets from others or newer emulators to MAME 0.34. AdvanceSCAN need the -listinfo file from MAME 0.34 wich is not provided with MAME GP2X. This file can be generated with MAME 0.34 (for DOS, but runnable with Wine). AdvanceSCAN provides no GUI, so it's strongly advised to read the documentation. Note: ClrMame has been tested to work with Wine 0.9.2.
Supported Games 1139 romset
- MAME 0.34
- All (some ROMs sets are too large to fit in RAM and are unplayable and 16 bits video screen games are not supported like Mortal Kombat, NARC, NBA Jam, etc ).
MAME 0.30 Exerion (exerion), MAME 0.34b1 Kyukyoku Tiger (ktiger) et Twin Cobra (US) (twincobu), MAME 0.34b8 The Empire Strikes Back (empire, not esb like in last mame rom set).
- MAME 0.35b1
- Rolling Thunder (rthunder)
- Pocket Gal (normal & bootleg) (pcktgal & pcktgalb)
- Turtle Ship (turtship)
- MAME 0.35b2
- Canyon Bomber (canyon) & Canyon Bomber (prototype) (canbprot)
- Ikari Warriors (US, Japan & Japan bootleg) (ikari, ikarijp & ikarijpb)
- Victory Road (Victory Road), Dogo Soken (dogosoke)
- The Main Event (version F) (mainevt2)
- MAME 0.35b3
- Breywood (breywood)
- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World) (dino)
- Capcom World 2 (Japan) (cworld2j)
- Captain Silver (csilver)
- Gals Panic (galpanic)
- The Real Ghostbusters (3 player) (ghostb3),
- Gondomania (gondo)
- Last Mission (Rev 5) (lastmss2)
- Last Mission (Rev 6) (lastmiss)
- Mekyo Sensi (mekyosen)
- Muscle Bomber Duo (Japan) (mbomberj)
- Muscle Bomber Duo (World) (mbomber)
- Punisher (Japan) (punishrj)
- Punisher (World) (punisher)
- Quiz & Dragons (Japan) (qadj)
- Quiz & Dragons (US) (qad)
- Shackled (shackled)
- Slam Masters (World) (slammast)
- Street Fighter (World) (sf1)
- Street Fighter (US) (sf1us)
- Street Fighter (Japan) (sf1jp)
- Super Real Darwin (srdarwin)
- Tenchi o Kurau 2 (Japan) (wofj)
- Tropical Angel (troangel)
- Warriors of Fate (World) (wof)
- MAME 0.35b4
- Aero Fighters (aerofgt)
- Turbo Force (turbofrc)
- Pang (World & bootlet) (pang & pangb)
- Buster Bros (US) (bbros)
- Super Pang (World) (spang)
- Block Block (World) (block)
- Power Spikes (Korea) (pspikes)
- MAME 0.35b5
- Boulderdash / Boulderdash Part 2 (bouldash)
- Gate Of Doom (revision 4) (gatedoma)
- Hellfire (hellfire)
- Sly Spy (revision 2) (slyspy2)
- Zero Wing (zerowing)
- Vimana (set 1 & 2) (vimana & vimana2)
- MAME 0.35b8
- Tumble Pop (bootleg set 1) (tumblep)
- Tumble Pop (bootleg set 2) (tumblep2)
- TNK3 (tnk3)
- ASO (Armored Scrum Object) (aso)
- Athena (athena)
- Fighting Golf (fitegolf)
- Guerrilla War (gwar)
- Bermuda Triangle (bermudat)
- Psycho Soldier (set 1 & 2) (psychos & psychosa)
- Chopper I (chopper)
- The Legend of Air Cavalry (legofair)
- TouchDown Fever (Japanese) (tdfever & tdfeverj)
- MAME 0.35b9
- Gaplus (set 1 & 2) (gaplus & gaplusa)
- Galaga 3 (set 1 & 2) (galaga3 &galaga3a)
- MAME 0.35b10
- Legend of Makaj (lomakaj)
- P-47 (World & Japan) (p47 & p47j)
- 64th Street (64street)
- Earth Defense Force (edf)
- RodLand (Japan) (rodlandj)
- Avenging Spirit (avspirit)
- MAME 0.35b11:
- Cabal (US set 1, 1 & bootleg) (cabal, cabal2 & cabalbl)
- Goindol (goindol)
- Homo (homo)
- Ambush (ambush)
- Galivan - Cosmo Police (set 1) (galivan)
- Galivan - Cosmo Police (set 2) (galivan2)
- Dangar - Ufo Robo (set 1) (dangar)
- Dangar - Ufo Robo (set 2) (dangar2)
- Dangar - Ufo Robo (bootleg) (dangarb)
- MAME 0.35b12
- Genshi-Tou 1930's (gensitou)
- Lifeforce (US & Japan) (lifefrce & lifefrcj)
- Mega Zone (megazone)
- Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World & US) (prehisle & prehislu)
- Salamander (salamand)
- MAME 0.35b13
- Marine Boy (marineb)
- Sichuan II (hack?) (sichuan2)
- Shisensho - Joshiryo-Hen (Japan) (shisen)
- Truxton / Tatsujin (truxton)
- Out Zone (outzone)
- Wanted (wanted)
- MAME 0.35rc1
- Pang! 3 (Japan) (pang3)
To Robocop play with MAME GP2X 1.6 use the normal executable, play Robo Army (the game just before Robocop), quit game with L+R+Push and after play Robocop.... It WORKS!!!.
Compatibility Status
Please use the new compatibility pages. The continued use of the lists on individual emulator pages will result in a temporary ban!
Thank you for your cooperation.
Please specify which exec you used to run the game (normal for mame_gp2x.gpe, drz80 for mame_gp2x_drz80.gpe, compat for mame_gp2x_compat.gpe) and the clockspeed if not the default one (200Mhz).
Gp2x Wiz Mame 37b11 Complete Rom Set Torrent
Status Levels:
Status Level: | Description: |
Untested | Has not yet been tested. |
Works | Full speed, no noticeable problems. |
Mostly Works | Playable, but with noticeable glitches, or not playable because of speed, with no glitches. |
Barely Works | Glitches or speed make game unplayable, but it will boot. |
Doesn't Work | Will not boot, or crashes on boot. |
Game: | Status: | Version: | Comment: |
1941 ( world ) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly with MAME_drz80 |
1942 ( set 1 ) | Works | 2.6 Normal | Runs OK with MAME GP2X v2.6 |
1943 (US) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 200 MHz, Frame-Skip: <= 2 (Auto-skip), Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
720 Degrees ( set 1) | Mostly Works | 1.9 | Tested with normal MAME. Sound and speed are choppy. |
Aero Fighters | Mostly Works | 1.9 | Runs at acceptable speeds at 200 MHz, tested to run at at or near 100% speed with 0 frameskip at 290 MHz, would probably be very fast at lower clockrates as well. No apparent graphical glitches found yet, gameplay intact, but music stops playing before the game starts and only sound effects remain. |
Alex Kidd (bootleg) | Barely Works | 1.9 | Tested with normal MAME. Graphics are messed up but game does boot. |
Altered Beast | Works | 2.6 | Works OK with standard executable with v2.6. |
Arkanoid (World) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: = 0, Video Clock 100%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 100% |
Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of DOH | Mostly Works | 1.9 | Slight sound glitches and pressing left on the joystrick sometimes makes the bat warp to the far right of the playing area. |
Asteroids (rev 2) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Full speed but no sound. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: =0, Video Clock 100%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound OFF |
Bionic Commando | Works | 1.9 | Works great with 'normal' MAME@ 200 MHz |
Block Out | Mostly Works | 2.6 | Runs OK. |
Bomb Jack | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: = 0, Video Clock 100%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 100% |
Bubble Bobble | Works | 1.9 | The bootleg version (Bobble Bobble) works OK |
Captain Commando (World) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 255 MHz, Frame-Skip: <= 2 (Auto-skip), Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 100% |
Carrier Air Wing / U.S. Navy ( world ) | Works | 1.9 MAME_drz80 | Works good, sound is a bit choppy on title screen |
Centipede (revision 3) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: = 0, Video Clock 100%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 100% |
Commando (World) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 150 MHz, Frame-Skip: <= 2, Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 100% |
Contra (US) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Good speed and sound. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 265 MHz, Frame-Skip: <= 2, Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Defender | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: =0, Video Clock 100%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 100% |
Dig Dug (Atari) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2, Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Dig Dug 2 | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: =0, Video Clock 100%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 100% |
Donkey Kong (US) | Works | 2.6 Normal | Full speed. Sound is okay (through samples). Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2, Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Donkey Kong 3 | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2, Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Donkey Kong Junior (US) | Works | 2.6 Normal | Full speed. Sound okay (through samples). Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2, Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Double Dragon (bootleg) | Works | 2.5 Normal | Sluggish but works. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 250 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2 (Auto-skip), Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Double Dragon | Doesn't Work | 1.9 | Does not work on Normal, Compat or drZ80 version of MAME. |
Double Dragon 2 | Works | 1.9 Normal | Runs fine but is a little bit slow even at a high clock speed setting |
Elevator Action | Works | 1.5 | Works perfectly. |
Final Fight | Works | 2.5 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 250 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2 (Auto-skip), Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Frogger (modified Moon Cresta hack) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: =0, Video Clock 100%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 100% |
Frogger (set 1) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: =0, Video Clock 100%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 100% |
Galaga (Namco) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2 (Auto-skip), Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Gauntlet | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 200 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2 (Auto-skip), Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Gauntlet II | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 225 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2 (Auto-skip), Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Ghosts'n Goblins (World?) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 180 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2 (Auto-skip), Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Ghosts 'n Goblins | Works | 1.9 | Full speed, no noticeable problems. |
Ghouls 'n Ghosts | Mostly Works | 1.4 | Sound a bit choppy. |
Golden Axe | Works | 2.5 Normal | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 250 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2 (Auto-skip), Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Gravitar | Works | 2.3 | Works perfectly. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 133 MHz, Frame-Skip: = 0 (Auto-skip), Video Clock 100%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 100% |
Green Beret | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly |
Gyruss | Works | 1.5 | Works perfectly. |
Knights of the Round | Mostly Works | 1.3 | Playable with drz80 @250Mhz, but with some graphic and sound glitches. |
King of Dragons | Mostly Works | 1.3 | Playable with drz80 @250Mhz, but with some minor graphic and sound glitches (mostly on fade in/fade out at level start/end and in the World Map). Also some slowndown that seems sound related. |
King of Fighters '96 | Works | 3.7 Normal | Sound has a lot of glitches but gameplay is fine. |
Kung Fu Master | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly |
Legendary Wings | Works | 1.4 | Full speed, no noticeable problems. |
Lode Runner | Works | 1.4 | Works perfectly. |
Magic Sword | Works | 2.5 Normal | A few very minor glitches. Settings: - GP2X Clock: 250 MHz, Frame-Skip: <=2 (Auto-skip), Video Clock 80%, Video Sync: None, Sound: Sound ON, Audio Clock 80% |
Metal Slug | Works | 1.9 | Full speed with sound @250mhz, sound is garbled. (Work good with Dz80 executable) |
P.O.W. ( US ) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly @ 225 MHz |
Pacman | Works | 1.8 | Full speed with sound at 133mhz. |
Pitfall II | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly @ 150 MHz |
Pooyan ( Konami ) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly @ 133MHz |
Punisher ( world ) | mostly works | 1.9 Normal | Works good but no sound |
Puzzle Bobble | Works | 1.5 | Full speed @250Mhz, no noticeable problems. |
Q-Bert | Works | 1.5 | Works fine. |
Qix | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly @133MHz |
Rainbow Islands | Barely Works | 1.9 | Graphical glitches, no sound, no enemies?! |
Rampage | Works | 1.8 | Works with normal & compat. Tilt up with drz80. |
RoadBlasters | Barely Works | 2.1 | Runs with compat version, but too slow to be playable even when overclocked. Other versions fail to show any graphics. |
RoboCop (bootleg) | Works | 2.6 | Runs OK. |
Rygar | Works | 1.4 | Works well. Sound a bit crackly at times. |
Silkworm ( set 1 ) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly |
Space Invaders | Works | 1.5 | Works. |
Spy Hunter | Barely Works | 1.4 | Loads OK, but needs steering controls? Unable to start playing. |
Star Force | Works | 2.1 | Works very well with full speed and sound. |
Star Wars | Mostly Works | 1.5 | Sound is a little choppy, but works fine otherwise |
Street Fighter II - Champion Edition | Mostly Works | 1.3 | Run slow with drz80 @250Mhz with some rare minor graphic and sound glitches. |
Super Bobble Bobble | Works | 1.5 | Works, slow at default speed, haven't tried it overclocked. |
Tapper (all variants) | Works | 2.1 | All tapper variants (Root Beer, Budweiser etc) work at full speed with sound. |
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (2 Player) | Works | 3.7 Normal | Works fine at 200Mhz |
Terra cresta | Works | 1.9 | Works full speed @200mhz |
The Real Ghostbusters (2 player) | Works | 1.9 Normal | Works perfectly |
Waku Waku 7 | Works | 1.9 | Works full speed @250mhz (sound untested) |
Yie-Ar Kung Fu | Works | 1.9 | Works full speed @200mhz |