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  1. Figure 4.21 Crack formation in Ti2AlC0.5N0.5-CDC (a) and Ti3SiC2-CDC, (b) chlorinated at 800 °C for 3h. The FactSage 7.1 Update/Installation program permits you to upgrade/refresh. Many downloads like Factsage may also include a crack, serial number, unlock.
  2. The FactSage package runs on a PC operating under Microsoft Windows®. (FactSage TEACH) comes with all FactSage packages, version 6.3 and up. The FactSage 6.3 Update/Installation was first released in May 2012. It has been replaced by a more recent FactSage 6.3.1 Update/Installation.
  3. With the package you can upgrade/refresh FactSage 7.1 that is already installed on the computer or you can install a completely new FactSage 7.1 version. Note: The installation program will only run if you are a CRCT Customer (e.g. FactSage Customer ID: 1 - 1000) with full maintenance and support.
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1. Open the FactSage folder in the chemesvr2 server. If you are having trouble locating it, visit the Accessing Software Share page. Open the FactSage5.0 folder, and then the FactSage folder and double-click on the Install application.

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(Revised March 2019) Using the FactSage Download Service - CRCT you can download and install the Full FactSage 7.3 Package (2019) of software, databases and documentation. With the package you can upgrade/refresh FactSage 7.3 that is already installed on the computer or you can install a completely new FactSage 7.3 vers.

2. Click Begin Installation.

3. Click Yes.

4. Click Yes.

5. Click Yes.

6. Enter a directory location or leave as is (recommended). Click OK.

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7. Click OK.

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8. Click thebutton that looks like a computer to begin installation.


9. Click Continue. Setup will begin.

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10. Click OK.

11. Click Yes.

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12. Click No.

13. Click Ok.